Welcome to the GTA Audiophile Club!

About Us

Our on-line forum is quite active with approximately 1500 posts per month, but the GTAA is much more than simply an “online discussion forum”. It is also and more importantly a social club of diverse and passionate (OK fanatic) audiophiles and music lovers who meet frequently at one another’s homes, sharing music, good times and hospitality. The GTAA is interested in meeting friendly individuals who enjoy expanding and sharing their musical and audiophile knowledge and who respect and appreciate those who are on a similar quest, however much they may differ in approach, likes and dislikes, and levels of knowledge and accomplishment. Many of our members are involved to one degree or another with various aspects of high end audio and have established good relationships with distributors, manufacturers, print and on-line publications and audiophiles from around the world. Some of our core functions are:.

Hosting Sessions

Club members enjoy hosting other members and friends of the club in their homes. We get together for fun time, music and snacks. We encourage members to host at least once a year.

On Line Forum

Our members participate in the exclusive GTAA online forum to share and disucss ideas, music recommendations, general questions and more. Our forum is by invite only.

Audio Shows

Our club members often attend audio shows around the world. We strive to bring the best information to the club about new trends and technologies.

Live Music

Members attend live music shows and provide insight into the performance and sound from many venues around the world. We go to concert together always looking for new artists to discover

Contact Us

If you have a long term commitment to high end audio, love music and have a proactive, friendly and helpful nature, we think you would enjoy getting to know our group and we would like to get to know you. Please visit our facebook page and drop us a line: